Many people are unfamiliar with this term. You could think of it as another pair of eyes that objectively and thoroughly peruse writing beyond using an embedded Spell Check or Grammar feature in an off-the-shelf application. One might ask why copyediting would be necessary, especially these days when virtually anyone can single-handedly publish anything on the internet. I think that the best reason to use a copyeditor's services is to provide CLARITY to a reader. A writer knows what she or he is saying or trying to say, but often a reader does not. Another reason is PROFESSIONALISM. A typo or grammatical error is an immediate red flag and the accuracy and quality of the written word are indicators of a writer's expertise. An investment in copyediting services to polish writing to a vibrant shine brings long-term value to every project. Copyeditors are writers who use tools like the Chicago Manual of Style, AP style, or Strunk & White to improve writing. Alexis Madrigal of The Atlantic put it this way, "Writers might blaze the trails, but editors maintain the roads."
Why are there peacock images on this website? The ancient Greeks assigned symbolism to the eyes on the feathers. The peacock was the patron bird of their goddess Hera, who according to myth, placed "eyes" on its feathers to symbolize all-seeing knowledge and the wisdom of the heavens. As a copyeditor, I will see things that the writer might not. A peacock feather also symbolizes pride, which I take in my editorial work. Hindu mythology associates peacocks with the god Lakshmi and the feathers represent kindness, patience, and good fortune. I offer these qualities to clients who use my editorial services.